
All of our policies are linked below.

We have two policies specifically written for our children (Anti Bullying and Behaviour and Relationships) which are attached to this page.

If you would like a paper copy of any of the policies, please contact me via email on head@hornsmill.cheshire.sch.uk. 

Thank you for your patience with this matter.


Absence Management Policy

Acceptable Use Policy

Accessibility Plan

Admissions Policy

Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy

Allergens and Anaphylaxis

Anti-Bullying Policy

Asbestos Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour and Relationship Policy

Bomb Threat Policy

Business Continuity and Critical Incident Plan

Capability of Staff Policy

Charging and Lettings Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Classroom Observation

Code of Conduct

Complaints Procedures Policy

Conflicts of Interest Policy

Disciplinary Policy

Early Years Teaching and Learning Policy

ECT Induction Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Equality Information and Objectives Policy

Equal Opportunties Policy

Exclusion Policy

Fire Evacuation Policy

Fire Safety Policy

First Aid Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

GDPR and Data Protection Policy

Governors' Allowance Policy

Grievance Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Instrument of Governance

Intimate Care Policy

Invacuation, Evacuation and Lockdown Policy

LAC Policy

Lone Working Policy

Low Level Concerns Policy

Major Incident Policy

Nurture Dog Policy and Risk Assessment

Online Safety and Internet Policy

Positive Handling Policy

Premises Management Policy

Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation

Pupils with Health Needs Attendance Policy

Remote Learning Policy

School Pay Policy

SEND Policy

Sex and Relationship Policy

Sexual Violence and Harrassment Policy

Statement of Behaviour Principles

Teacher Appraisal Policy

Teaching and Learning Policy

Violence at Work Policy

Whistle Blowing Policy

Working at Height Policy

Young Carers Policy


Thank you

Sharon Wyatt