Team 4 2024 - 2025

Team 4.png

Team 4 Teachers -  Andy Lawrie-  Emily Caroe-

Team 4 TA's -          Abi McWaters - Chris Flaherty - Emma Warburton


Welcome to the Team 4 class page!

At Horn's Mill, our Curriculum is delivered through a thematic approach through a range of themes. Our Current theme in Team 4 is 'Ancient Greeks' Have a look at the document below to see how it looks in our team.  

In addition to the curriculum documents above, please visit our curriculum page here for further details of individual subjects, including our personal development curriculum. 

Please see below for a typical daily timetable in Team 4:



Class Timetable - Daily Routines

8:30am Register and Morning Challenges
9:00am SPaG / Guided Reading
9:50am Snack
10:00am English
11:05am Break Time
11:15am Maths
12:15pm Lunch Time
13:10pm Register and Happy Breathing
13:10-13:30pm Handwriting and DEAR time
13:30-3pm Afternoon learning (Art, Music, DT, RE, PE, Computing and Science)
15:15pm Home Time
Team 4 PE Day is on a Thursday


PE will be on a Thursday morning. Children will be swimming this term so please send them to school in their normal uniform, a coat and also their swimming items/towel/goggles in a named bag.

Reading books are changed every Monday so please ensure your child brings their reading book and record in on Mondays.

Home Learning

The way we implement homework here at Horn’s Mill has changed. We value the vital importance reading has on a child’s life and education. With that in mind, we are having a huge reading campaign this year and we need your help to ensure your child is reading at home too. We would be extremely grateful if your child could read for a minimum of 10 minutes per day from Sunday through to Thursday. Ideally, this would be done with another person but if this is not possible reading alone for this time is still very impactful. We are doing a wide range of things in school to help inspire your child to read more. We have plenty of allocated time to read for pleasure. We have a library full of books that are current and interesting for your child. These are fully accessible and children can take them home too. We also have plenty of discussions about books and authors sharing our likes and dislikes.  

Times Tables

At the end of Team 4 your child will sit a National Times Table Test set by the government. We would appreciate if you could encourage your child to practise their times tables each day. To aid this practise your child has been given a FREE subscription to Times Tables RockStars! It is vital that this resource is utilised. We have started with times tables practise in class and will continue with this throughout the school year. 

If you need any advice or assistance with anything that you think we may be able to help with, our door is always open and we are more than willing to help where we can. Thank you for all your support! 

Mr Lawrie and Mrs Caroe


Useful links:

Multiplication Tables Check practice link:

Time home learning activity links:

Clock face:

A range of time games (see titles and links):