w/b 11.9.17

Date: 16th Sep 2017 @ 4:31pm

Team 5 had a fantastic time during our first full week back.  In RE, we wrote a precis of the story of Abraham, taking a long story and making it much shorter.  In English, we each chose an animal poem by Ted Hughes to illustrate, copy and learn off by heart.  Mr Thomas couldn't believe it when almost 20 of the class learned their poem off by heart in a single day!  We'll see if they still remember it by Monday!  Mouse Mania was a great success, with the children playing benchball and showing excellent teamwork through passing and moving into spaces.  Our Science topic of the Life Cycles of Plants and Animals had a fuzzy beginning when Team 5 watched in delight as they saw a tiny bumblebee wriggling around the inside of a flower and covering itself in sticky pollen.  We then (very carefully!) dissected some lilies to identify and label the different parts of a flower.  One group even manged to find the time to create a short drama sketch to explain what each part does, and another group came up with an incredible poem to help us all remember everything we'd learned!  What a creative Team!  

Next week's Mouse Mania is to bring in your toys from home.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mr Thomas and everyone in Team 5