Team 6: wb 5.12.22

Date: 11th Dec 2022 @ 3:27pm

Hello everyone! Welcome back to our school blog!

We started our Lindt calendar last week and have been opening it at the end of every day, as well as receiving a special message that we wrote at the start of the advent period. They are inspirational and kind messages :)

On Monday, we started our Christmas books and have completed some of the poems which will go together as a Christmas anthology. One of our poems is based on the Christmas truce of WW1 and is a descriptive poem. We worked really hard and can't wait for you to read them.

On Wednesday, we went to Helsby Church to practice Team 5 and team 6’s Christmas Carol Concert. We will be performing this on Monday evening and are really looking forward to sharing this with you.

On Thursday, we had science and we carried out experiments on our pulse and in PE we learned how to play cricket - which was really fun!

We also finished our class book this week, 'Letters from the lighthouse', which had quite an emotional (but happy) ending. We are excited to find out about our next class book!

Have a lovely weekend, from your blog team for this week: Leela and Mia.