Team 5: w/b 23.5.16

Date: 28th May 2016 @ 10:15am

This week was an exciting one for Team 5, with the majority of the class carrying out a Bikeability course! The instructors informed me of how impressed they were with the children, with regards to both their behaviour and their effort. The children have gained skills that will be with them for life through a course which they thoroughly enjoyed.

We continued with some further work on the Mayans, writing a précis in relation to Mayan sacrifice. This skill is something which we will continue to develop.

The most wonderful day of this week was Friday. I was incredibly impressed with the standard of the Home Learning that the children brought into school. They were all very keen to share and learn from one another, and with this being the first time we have done this in Team 5, I have to say that it was a complete success! I'm already looking forward to seeing the next completed challenges on the 15th July.

I hope you all have an enjoyable, relaxed half term. See you soon!


Miss Martin