Team 4 Wb 6.11.23

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 3:46pm

What another busy week we have had in Team 4!


In our English learning, we started exploring our new class text ‘Greek Myths’ by Jean Menzies. We used dictionaries to understand some new vocabulary we encountered in the text and then we read one of of the Greek myths in the book and explored who the different characters were in the story.


In maths, we started our new unit of learning focussing on multiplication and division. We learnt patterns and rules to help us recall our seven and nine times tables and then applied this learning to reasoning and problem solving questions.


In our afternoon learning, we practised our class assembly in preparation for Thursday’s performance, we went swimming in PE, we completed our times table challenge and also learnt how the Bank of England adds security features to bank notes and why they do this.


Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!


Mr L