Team 4 Wb 20.3.23

Date: 26th Mar 2023 @ 4:12pm

What another busy week we have had in T4!


In our English learning this week,

We finished reading our class text ‘Escape From Pompeii’ and we then planned our very own historical narratives based on events in the book. The children spent lots of time planning and preparing what to put in their own stories ready to start writing them next week.


In maths, we began our new unit all about fractions. We learnt how to recognise and count in hundredths, how to place fractions on a blank number line and also the different ways we can represent fractions.


In our afternoon learning, we created our very own water filters in science, we performed our violin learning to Team 3 and visiting parents and in geography we learnt all about the water cycle.


Have a lovely weekend Team 4


Mr Lawrie