Team 3 WB 3.6.24
Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 3:51pm
Team 3 have had a great first week back!
We have been busy listening to our friends poems for the upcoming poetry recital. It has been super hard to pick the final 2!
Thank you for all your efforts with helping the children to rehearse and create their own poems.
In English we have started a new unit based on Shakespear! We have been introduced to some new characters and created our own predictions about their characteristics using conjunctions. We can't wait to find out what they are really like!
In maths we finished our unit of fractions and have begun our new chapter of perimeter. Using rope and shapes, we explored different ways to calculate the perimeter of a shape. Our workbook consisted of 1cm squares in which we has to figure out how to calculate the perimeter all the way around the shape. We found making notations worked well so we didn't forget the measurments.
In History we explored the value of an amulet in Ancient Egypt. After discussing the purpose of an amulet, we then created our own.
Have a fantastic weekend :)