Team 3 WB 31.10.22

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 2:56pm


We hope that you have had a wonderful half term and managed to get some quality family time together and of course, plenty of rest. It was lovely to welcome the children back on Tuesday and they have been enthusiastically telling us about their half-term breaks and of course their trick or treating antics. We have had a monstrously good week this week (can you see what we've done there?). Many of the children boogied away at the Halloween disco and were busting some awesome moves on the dancefloor.

Learning wise, we have finished our book 'Seal Surfer' and have showcased our writing skills through letter writing tasks. In particular we have been trying to use conjunctions in our work in order to extend our sentences and use interesting vocabulary. We will start a new book next week, I wonder what it could be?  In reading, we are enjoying a new class novel called 'Ice Palace' by Robert Swindells. It has been interesting to hear the childrens' predictions about what they think will happen next in the book. 

In Maths, we have continued to learn the column method of addition, particularly looking at renaming of tens and ones. Today, we started subtraction and will continue with this into next week. We have had our weekly times tables test today and these will be sent home with your child so you can see how they are getting on. Your child has been told what times tables they need to be practising at home, they must get 27/30 in their test before they move onto the next. The order the tests follow are 2, 5, 10, Mixed, 3  some children are very close to progressing beyond this. 

Team 3 smashed it for attendance AND punctuality again and we are the proud owners (for the next fortnight anyway) of the 'dependable mouse' and the 'early bird' trophies. They are standing proudly on our windowledge. Thank you for your support in getting the child into school and in on time! Lots of cheers went up in assembly and we got some envious looks!

Home learning is on our class pages. This is purely voluntary and not expected so please do not put yourselves under pressure to complete it. If you do wish to do some, it should be in addition to reading and times tables practise and not instead of. 

Have a great weekend.

Don't forget it is the library trip on Monday.

Team 3