Team 3 WB 26.2.24

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 10:43am

It has been lovely to see all the children as we return from half term. 


We started our week with a circle time and discussed many different activities, holidays and events that the children have been up to during half term. 

In maths we began with a mid year revision session that allowed us to go back to prevous learning within year 2 and the beginning of year 3. It was great to see us all working together and havig many 'light bulb' moments. We have now moved on to our second workbook within maths no problem and started the unit of 'money'. In order to access the lesson confidently we used different coins and notes to recap the difference between pounds and pence. This led us to finding total amounts of money and renaming pence as pounds when we passed 100. 

In English we were delighted to find that David Attenborough had replied to our letters! 

We continued with our ''The blue whale' unit and experimented as to whether the word 'because' and 'therefore' can go at the start of our sentences as well as in the middle. 

For reading this week we have been focusing on fluency and responding to punctuation within our text. This weeks focus has been 'How to keep our bodies healthy'. We found out lots of additional information related to the importance of water, calcium and how our bones heal. 

During our new DT unit we have been exploring fish! Our job this week consisted of learning how to wash our hands properly with a very catchy song. We then experimented with how to wash the tables. Once our hands and classroom were nice and clean, we then tried a variety of different fish; sardines, salmon, tuna and mackerel. Children were so shocked and surprised at how much they enjoyed the fish!

Have a lovely weekend ;)