Team 3 WB 22.4.24
Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 8:20pm
Team 3 have had a great week, full of excitement on our trip! We enjoyed visiting the world museum learning and consolidated our learning about rocks and fossils. We had an insight into our new history topic, Ancient Egypt and even went to the aquarium which linked to our previous English and DT unit, looking at sustainable fishing and how to protect our ocean.
In maths we are working steadily through our time unit. The children are beginning to get more confident with time as we use it in our everyday conversations. This week we explored the second hand and began to look at durations. Next week we will focus on world problems.
In my happy mind we started our engage module. We did this by setting goals and aspirations. It was interesting to listen to all our friends goals and how they were going about being able to achieve it.
Have a lovely weekend. We are excited about our trip next week!