Team 3 WB 15.4.24
Date: 17th Apr 2024 @ 5:13pm
Whats a great first week back for Team 3. The children have come back with a positive attitude and excited for the summer term.
We had some new additions to our Team this week… Angela and Jack our giant African land snails. The children have been so excited to have the responsibility of checking their temperature and food.
In maths we have begun our unit of time focusing on telling the time to the nearest minute. The children have loved using their own clocks to help them. Next week we will be using digital clocks and telling the time using roman numerals.
In Geography and History we have been thinking about different zones within our school and what we use them for. We then thought about the land use in the stone age; rivers for food and water, fields for farming.
Heres to another great term… hopefully filled with sunshine!