Team 1 - W/B - 3.6.24
Date: 9th Jun 2024 @ 8:48pm
Welcome back Team 1 – What a week we have had!
In English this week, we have started our new text ‘Goldilocks and Just the One Bear’. We have been exploring the text, practiced using our full stops and capital letters and we have created our own shops where we used capital letters for proper nouns.
In maths, we have been exploring coins and notes in money. We have been playing games and learning to recognise the different values.
In science we have been looking at plants. We have been learning about what they need to survive and we planted our own marigolds. We will be keeping a growth diary to see how well our seeds are growing.
Also this week, we had our poetry recitals in class – well done to everyone who performed a poem for us. It was so lovely to hear them – you made us very proud. Thank you to all the grown-ups who supported with this too.
Have a fabulous weekend and we will see you all next week.