Reception - WB 8.1.24
Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 4:30pm
Good Afternoon,
We've noticed lots of grown up, mature children in Reception this week. We've come back and started the Spring term using lots of our developing independent skills and demonstrating around the classroom all the things that they can do, especially reading and writing.
In Literacy this week, we have started a new story called 'Let's all creep through Crocodile Creek'. We met rabbit, tortoise and mouse and talked about a new word called 'journey'. We talked about what the word means and different journeys that we would go on. Lots of children chose the beach like Mrs Davies, as well as the park, forest and lake. We drew our journey pictures and labelled these using our phonic knowledge. We're looking forward to reading the start of the story next week and finding out about the animals journey...
During our afternoon learning, we have been exploring the season winter. We've found out about the features of winter and how we can spot these all around us. We've talked about different types of weather that we would see in the winter too. The children have enjoyed applying their knowledge of winter around the environment this week, by completing lots of challenges. A particular favourite was working together to melt the ice outside, using the different tools.
We've also met a milestone in our Reception journey this week and some children have started handwriting sessions in our new yellow learning journey. We've been practising how to use the lines. Some children are continuing to do funky fingers to strengthen their writing fingers.
Just a reminder that we have our phonics workshop next Tuesday morning - half 8 til 9.
Have a great weekend everyone,
Mrs Davies