Reception WB 5.2.24
Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 5:41pm
Good Evening,
Based on the children's interests, we have explored the theme of 'Under the Sea' this week. We have looked at a range of different sea life, learnt what they are called and learnt to identify their features. We've read under the sea themed stories including 'Commotion in the Ocean' and explored lots of activities around the classroom that support our knowledge of under sea life. We have focused in particaular on the following vocabulary: seahorse, coral, scuba diver and submarine.
During Literacy this week, we have been learning a shorter version of our class story 'Let's all creep through Crocodile Creek' using the Mighty Writer resource. (This was the storytelling resource out on the carpet during the parent workshop last week). Children have learnt the story off by heart and drew the story on their own Mighty Writer sheet. We have now started to write the story using all of our developing writing skills and so far the writing has been AMAZING - so proud! We are going to finish our stories next week.
As part of children's mental health week, we have been talking about what matters most to us. It was so lovely to hear the children's different answers and how they shared these with their friends. We drew our ideas on paper and stuck them on our class 'swirl' that we shared in assembly. Thank you to those families who brought photos and pictures in.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Davies