Reception - WB 15.1.24
Date: 21st Jan 2024 @ 5:42pm
Good Evening,
Firstly, thank you to those who were able to attend our phonics parent workshop on Tuesday morning. It was brilliant to see so many of you there, completing the challenges with your children and hopefully gaining ideas for how you can support your child with their phonics at home. Our next workshop focusing on personal development is on Tuesday 30th January.
During our afternoon learning this week, we have foucsed on understanding our world and knowing how to identify different parts of it. We have used Google Earth to identify the land and the sea on planet Earth. We talked about why the land is different colours and how this tells us what the climate/weather is like there. We focused a little more at the polar regions and what it is like to live there. We matched lots of the weather in the polar regions to what we have seen in Helsby this week - snow, wind, ice! Children applied their knowledge around the classroom, completing the focused challenges during Learning Time.
During P.E we have been enjoying our new gymastics unit called ;High and Low'. Children have been learning how to move their bodies using high and low movements and performing like champion gymasts. We have been showcases our skills on simple apparatus, including benches and mats.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Davies