Team 3 - WB 16.10.23

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 2:39pm

Where has that half term gone?


Team 3 have worked so hard this half term and all adults are so proud of them. They have settle into KS2 life fantastically and we cant wait for the year to come.

Maths has been tricky this week as we have been learning how to subtract with renaming. We discovered many different methods of how to work out a calculation but our favourite was definantly the column method. During our lessons we have been encorporating key vocabulary into our journaling and showing different representations. 

In Art this week we have finished our final piece based on Jen Callahans work. We used watercolours and acrylic paint to impersonate her style. Our focus was to look at contrasting colours so our creature stood out within the water. We also discussed shading and how we could make a ripple effect within the water. 

During Geography we found a fabulous song which helped us learn our regions in England. We drew ou own map and even found the region we live in! After that we looked at our compas points. After hallf term we will be doing a cross-curricular write to show show our understanding of geographical similarities and differences. 


Thank you for your continued support. Please ensure that you are reading with your child and practising times tables over the half term break. 

Have a lovely break!

Miss Morris :)