Team 6 Wb 17.10.16

Date: 23rd Oct 2016 @ 12:27pm

In maths this week Team 6 have been working on column methods for addition and subtraction. In English we have put alot of time and effort into writing our Hot Tasks, which were suspense stories with a flashback. We have also been busy focusing on our play aout WW2, which we will perform in our assembly on Wednesday morning at 9:15 (We hope you can make it!). 

In science Mrs Hughes amazed us with a yeast experiment and we created our toolkits for writing instructions. 

On Friday afternoon, in Forest Schools, Team 6 made stretchers our of wood, wire, stones and string. We imagined that they were going to help a soldier that had been injured in WW2. 

Also this week, Team 6 were really happy to have the chance to show around so many visitors during our open mornings. We loved talking about our school and answering questions about our learning. Mrs Holbrook and Mrs Wyatt were really proud of us and they told us we did a great job. 

Harry Lewis was our Big Cheese this week and Luke MD won the raffle. Well done! 

By Phoebe and Halle :)