Team 6 - Wb 20.9.21

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 3:10pm

Hi everyone, welcome back to the third weekly blog!

In Maths this week we have been looking at word problems and we learned what integers mean (whole numbers).  We've also been rounding numbers which we are very good at!! ;-)

In English this week, we have been continuing with our WW2 text: Star of Fear, Star of Hope.  We wrote sentences using subordinating conjunctions and new vocabulary using a feelings wheel. We finished the week with a hot chocolate and a LONG read of our class text, 'Crater Lake' (which we love). The hot chocolate was well deserved - we have worked really hard this week.

In Science, we were learning about dissolving and melting and we got a cup of tea to see dissolving in action (we dissolved a sugar cube in it).

In PE, we had football skills.  It was really fun!

We ended the week with electronics for Mouse Mania.

A big congrats to Kitty, our big cheese this week.

Happy Birthday this weekend to one of our bloggers (Izzy)

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

From the Blog Team: (See you next week in 168 hours)

Amelia, Izzy and Riley