Team 6 - 04.09.19

Date: 7th Sep 2019 @ 3:46pm

Team 6 have made a wonderful start to the school year and are looking likely to be excellent role models for the rest of the school. Most have been getting to know and supporting their buddies this week. This will continue next week as we help them at lunch times. They have been fantastic so far!

Over these first few days, the class have been busy eagerly applying for a classroom job by writing a letter. The jobs were allocated on Friday afternoon and will be changed every term.

We have also chosen our class DEAR books and reading books to take home. Team 6 are aware that they are expected to read at least 5 times a week and will record in the reading records twice. It is hugely important and will make a big impact on their achievements if they follow this regularly. Further information about this and other things to do at home can be found on the class page.

I'm looking forward to having a full week with Team 6 next week. We have lots of exciting learning planned!

Mrs Jobber