Team 4 - 31.01.20

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 8:32am

What another busy and fun filled week in Team 4.


In English, we have started reading our new book, Zeraffa Giraffa, which has been very interesting.  We have written a diary entry to the King of France and we have even designed our own amulet.


In Maths, we have carried on with multiplication and division.  We have been looking at mental strategies and multiplying by partitioning the numbers.


We have started our new topic of South America.  We used the atlases to find and label the countries of South America and their capital cities.


PE next week will be on a Tuesday.  Thank-you to everyone who is remembering to bring in their PE kits each week.


Have a lovely weekend. 


From everyone in Team 4.