Team 1 Wb 6.1.20

Date: 12th Jan 2020 @ 8:19pm


Well that was an awesome first week back! I know I for one absolutely loved it!

We have begun our work on numbers from 0-20 in Maths. We enjoyed trying out a variety of games where we count forwards to 20. We are now working on developing our confidence with counting backwards from 20, so if you find any time over the next few weeks to challenge your child to count backwards from 20, it would be most valuable!

In English we worked on writing simple sentences that included “and” e.g. The rock is brown and sharp.

And of course we ended our week today with having a go at face painting each other. It was a delight to see how happy this made Team 1! Both myself and Miss Thomas were very impressed with how we co-operated with each other to enjoy this treat.

Have a fantastic weekend and We look forward to seeing you next week.

Mrs Caroe