Team 1 - Fairtrade, problem solving and seasonal changes.

Date: 11th Mar 2016 @ 8:30pm

Good evening everyone!

In English this week we have finished our journey stories which I was very impressed by! We have also had a few SPAG sessions and completed our cold tasks today, ready to start our new Non-Fiction unit on instructions.

In maths we have continued with our addition and subtraction work, but we have been focusing on applying these skills through missing box and word problems.

This week has been our Fairtrade week in school. To celebrate this we have looked at what the fairtrade sign is like, what types of food are fairtrade and where they come from and how different fairtrade food is made. To do this we have read lots of books, used world maps, learn't songs and even completed a fairtrade treasure hunt!!

We have also started our new science topic this week and we are looking at the seasonal changes between winter and spring. We have discussed what months of the year these seasons are, what weather occurs and what the difference between the seasons is. We even went on to design our own outfits which would be suitable for the winter and spring.

Have a nice weekend,

Miss Steen x