Team 6 wb 15.11.21

Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 1:52pm

Hi and welcome back to the Team 6 blog!

This week in P.E, we have been carrying on with gymnastics. We have been doing different balances and sharing our poses.  We were holding our positions for four seconds to the other groups in our class.

In Maths this week, we have been doing factors and long multiplication. 

In English, we have been doing a diary entry from the position of Lydia (from our class book s.o.f.s.o.h). We imagined what we thought would happen after Helen and Lydia had a fight. We have also been looking at adverbials for manner/place/time. Such as: Quietly, Slowly, Without thought, Over the field, and much more.  We looked at these in the hope that we will use them in our writing next week to make it more varied.

In Science, we experimented with what happens when we mix milk and vineger. We found it really fun and realised what happened when milk and vineger get mixed.  This was an irreversible change and a new material was created.

In Reading this week have been looking at song lyrics (poetry) and then listening to the song afterwards. We have been doing songs like 'The living years' and 'When you love someone'.  We analysed the lyrics and thought about what the words in the song meant.  We really enjoyed this theme!

Thank you for reading this weeks blog! Come back next week for another blog.

Bye from (Riley, Izzy and Amelia)